
Material Modeling & Consultancy

Engineering materials grow more complex everyday. There is an ever-growing list of alloys, polymers, elastomers, composites, and natural bio-mimetic materials. The demands we put on our materials also keep growing. We wish to simultaneously:

Reduce material usage, to reduce product cost and weight
Excel at mechanical performance under various complex loading scenarios
Meet application-specific goals such as thermal / electrical / optical / acoustic performance
Overcome material fatigue to increase product life

Oneirix Labs helps companies master this complexity, through our original research in material modeling, and our deep understanding of material physics and mechanics.

We help companies:

• Choose the right material for the right job

• Set up processes of material innovation: how do material development, testing, engineering and production fit into a seamless whole?

• Set up a unified understanding and language of dealing with materials that enables optimum cross-functional collaboration

• Understand how to test various materials for various properties, and how to ensure quality over time

• Understand how to utilize or produce advanced material parameters and data sheets

• Understand how to model or simulate behaviors of materials in applications


Our original research supplements and augments our material modeling capabilities. Through the increased understanding derived from our research projects, our consultants help you achieve accuracy, efficiency and repeatability in your materials related efforts. Read more about our research projects below.

Elasto-Plasticity Theory

We are developing an umbrella model, and novel mathematics, to explain all kinds of plasticity; from the bending of metals to the slow stress release in rocks. By unifying many previous models of plasticity, our research helps simplify, clarify and generalize the field of material modeling.

Where does this help?

Multi-axial Material Testing Machine

We developed new mathematics to create tests that measure and model nonlinear material parameters. We also developed the machine itself that actually does the testing.

The MaMTM creates more accurate material models. Read more

Universal Elasticity Modeling System

We are currently designing a “Universal Elasticity Modeling System”, and its associated algorithms. A machine capable of testing and predicting behaviour of any elastic material, the UEMS builds upon in-house work that we have done on elasticity theory and multiaxial material testing.

Can a material testing system be “Universal”?